what is the difference between perform varying and perform

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what is the difference between perform varying and perform until..

Answer / santhosh vayathuri

perform varying is like for statement in cobol we wil be
assign and increment and check the condition in a same
statement but perform until is like while statement in c
here we wil check upto the condition but we wil not
initialize and increment the value

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what is the difference between perform varying and perform until..

Answer / sk.abdul basith

perform until:-it is used to excute paragraph logic
multiple tims based on condition.

perform varying:- it is used to change conditional variable
values with in a perform

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what is the difference between perform varying and perform until..

Answer / ssampath

Perform until will step through automatically used in one
dimensional table and a perform varying will calculate
index for two dimensional table

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what is the difference between perform varying and perform until..

Answer / vaneesh

Perform Varying:- Its a performing of loop using a working
storage variable having a predefined value and its
incremental or decremental value with each execution.

For Example


PERFORM UNTILL:- It is execution of a loop until a certain
condition is met. Please note that condition is checked
before the execution.


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