This question asked during interview,

2) At the end of each month, a new table is created for each bank that contains monthly metrics consolidated at the account level.

The table naming convention is bankX_YYYYMM where X represents the numeric designation of the bank and YYYYMM indicates the 4 digit year and 2 digit month.

The tables contain the following fields:
name data type description
account text account number
registered boolean indicates whether the account is registered
num_trans integer number of transactions made during the time period
spend numeric(9,2) total spend during the time period

a) Write a SQL query that will display the total number of transactions and total spend for "Bank1" during the 4th quarter of 2009.

b) Write a SQL query that will display the total number of transactions and total spend at "Bank1" and "Bank2", broken out by registered vs. non-registered accounts, during January 2010

not sure what is correct answer and how to solve?

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