hi, this is shanthi kumar(M.Com). i would like to attend
interview in genpact company.please send finance interview
questions and interview details. thank u very much
what is the difference between cost of goods sold and cost of sales ?
My question is why we debit the input tax, and cradit the output tax. wt is the logic and wt is the principal behind it adil khan( CA STUDENT)
what is the difference between reserves & provisions and accumulated reserves & surplus
What is account in accounting?
i have dot regarding journal entry on capital A/c, int cap A/c --- dr cap a/c is it correct , if so y can u give an answer
Where the financial accounting fails the cost accounting for is rescue but still there are some limitations deficiencies in the system?
Hi Everybody, Can anybody tell me how to create ledger in Peachtree Accounting software, means there are some Code, which Codes Comes under which ledger Account.your prompt Answer will be highly appreciated, Thanks & regards, Khan
'Talk me through an example of how you have used data to improve your teams productivity.'
What is ROI?
What is an ea in accounting?
Tell me,as per companies which section P&L Account and balance sheet will be prepared
can anyone help in service tax part if we give a service on credit basis (Credit invoice) how should we pay service tax on invoice basis or reciept basis