What is the difference between anonymous block and named

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What is the difference between anonymous block and named blocks?..

Answer / santosh kumar

anonymous block cannot be stored in database. it start with
"Declare" keyword can also contain name but that will be
temporary block. it only exist in the oracle work area for
during execution time after execution it destroy from the
memory. it cannot be called for future use.

but named block exist in the database and can be reusable.
we can call it any time it also called pl/sql database objects.
procedure (it will exist in the "user_source") dictionary
function (it will exist in the "user_source") dictionary
package (it will exist in the "user_source") dictionary
trigger (it will exist in the "user_triggers") dictionary

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What is the difference between anonymous block and named blocks?..

Answer / nagendra

anonymous block cannot be stored in database. it doesn't
contain name. it cannot be called for future use.

where as named block can be stored in database. it can be
named. it can be called for future use.

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What is the difference between anonymous block and named blocks?..

Answer / anil kumar jampana

1)anonymous block will store in os
where as named block will store in database
2)we can call named block but not anonymous

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