What are the differences between debit and credit?

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What are the differences between debit and credit?..

Answer / mari muthu

Debit is receiving aspect. Credit is giving aspect.

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What are the differences between debit and credit?..

Answer / ganesh chary

What are the differences between debit and credit?
ans Debit is receiving aspect. Credit is giving aspect.

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What are the differences between debit and credit?..

Answer / abdulla koya

To debit means entering a transaction on the debit side of
an account and to credit means entering a transaction on
the credit side of an account.It may sound a vague
explanation of the terms, but it is confusing to assign any
other meaning to the terms.A simple rule for debiting and
crediting is:
Dedbit when there is an increase in assets or decease in
liability and
credit when there is an decease in asset or increase in
Plese remember that any business transaction would result
in in any one the following situations:
1.Increase in an asset and decrease in another asset
2.Increase in a liability and decrease in another liability.
3.Increase in an asset and increase in a liability.
4.Decrease in an asset and decrease in a liability.

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