How to resolve the soc4 & soc7
other than following answers.
Soc4 can resolved using mispleed dd name and dd name is not
matching with file
and soc7 check the sysdump and copy the offest address then
correct it in the program.
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Answer / baskar
S0C4 occurs mainly due to protection exception. It means
when you trying to move a larger variable to a small
variable. Whereas S0C7 is data exception. It occurs when
you try to move a non numeric value to a Numeric variable.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 109 Yes | 17 No |
Answer / sandeep
S0C4 occurs mainly due to protection exception. It means
when you are using subcripts for example my subsripts range
is 11 but I am trying 12 & your compiler option is ssrange
you got soc4 error.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 57 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / sujan
Possible causes for the Abend SOC4 include:
1. Invalid address was referenced due to subscript error or
bad parameter passed
2. If we are moving a group move, then the receiving record
variable lenght is defined incorrectly, like the target
field size is less than the moving field size.
4. In Files, if we are trying to read or write a file which
was not open, then we can get SOC4.
5. Tried to goback in the SORT output procedure.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 38 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / amit tomer
to resolve soc7, go to spool, check sysdump and copy offset
value,than come to jcl,in command line type F Offset value
then press f5 ,u will get location where the error, then
correct it..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 26 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / arun singh
GEnerelly soc-7 occours due to data mismatch it means if u
are placing numeric data in alphabetic field. It can be
resolved by coading PARM=TEST(SYM)
and you will get the local variable whose value you have
given wrong.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 16 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / vinutna koritala
soc4 error occurs due to invalid address or out of
subscript.i.e trying to read dataset which is in not open.
when read command is read againist empty vsam dataset.
how to ignore out of subscript errors?
write logic:pgm=IGYCRCTL
pgm=IEWL/HEWL,PARM=(SSRANGE,NONSSRANGE)are compiler options
which must be coaded in parm parameter.
soc7 error occurs in the foll situations.
moving data from alphanumeric to editing characters.
moving data from editing characters to alpha numeric data
involve alphanumeric datatypes in arthemetic operations.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / vasantha
resolving soc7.... ans mentioned above is one of the
correct ways...
but let me know how to resolve soc7 when offset address
includes hexadecimal values...
i have followed the same way... but not able to find the
exact location..
Pls help me out..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / sainath
whenever sco4 error occurs there are two types are reasons
are there.......
1)Array in subscript size we are assign 5bytes of memory.we
are giving 6bytes of memory on that time soc04 error come.
2)in file concept file record length is 80.when ps record
length is not equal to 80,soc04 error will come.
so plz check out ps & file reclength.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / maruthi
Please refer to
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 2 No |
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