hai friends, this is Raju. i cleared bank of baroda
clerical exam. i have personal interview on 05-10-2010.
this is my first interview. I don't have any idea about it.
will you please give a brief idea about the interview?
please i have very less time plese help me. please send
your valuable suggestions to this mail id
narasimharaju_kuruba@yahoo.in or my mobile 9533313536.
my qualification is btech. please friends.....
i have my interview for clerk post on 11-4-09 for oriental bank of commerce. can any1 plz tell me wen ll d results of interview b announced approximately.. this is my time of giving d xam , so i don ve any idea.. plz inform ..
7 Answers Oriental Bank Of Commerce,
Am MBA in Finance can anyboby give me suggestions abt the questions on my specialization which i can expect in SBI interview tssiri@gmail.com
having completed post graduation in zoology ,why u want to join bank in clerical post????????pls reply asap??
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
hey all hearty congrates 2 all who r selected in sbi associate banks. i am also selected. now i have a problem. the mail id i gave during registration is not valid. i gave yahoo.co.in instead of yahoo.com. is there a way 2 correct this? have they sent ny mail? Pls.... ans
1 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
when the sbi clerc recruitment 2010 2011 will be declared that was held in 8,15 and 22 november 2009
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
i have attend interview on March for clerk post.when final result will be announce by bank?
7 Answers LVB, RRB, State Bank Of India SBI,
hi frnds my interview is on 30 april please suggest me? what is the full name of RBI governer?
pls send me enough model question papers to prepare for the BSRB Clercical exam that is to be held in july. Thankyou.
i finished my interview on 8th may....... they asked me these questions...... 1)tell me abt urself(I andwered for 2 mins) 2)difference between 2g and 3g(3g is faster than 2g)i forgot to answer that 3g has more bandwidth and it is circuit switched network 3)what is the uniqueness of 500 rupees note (that circle at corner for blind people , wen in light the colour of 500 changes) 4)what is the technology of atm(i dont know) 5)what are the different types of deposits(Recurring and fixed deposits) 6)what is recent hockey tournament going on(this also i dont know) 7)who is leading in recent world chess championship(anand wen i saw but later i dont know who was leading) 8)who is topper in recent IAS exams?(i didnt answer) 9)what u consider as ur life time achievement? the panel was very soft......so no tension...... ALL THE BEST for the rest........
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Hi guys and girls...... As discussed earlier reg SBI clerical exp and ques, now its time to discuss about the date of results ........ so lets start.......... i ll start off...... any one came to know about the date of results ?????? SBI 11000 clerks
please provid your interview experience and question they asked on 26th and 28th april 2010
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,