What is meant by Cost of Improvement?
Suppose there is a computer Inst. providing a course abc and the total fees for it is Rs.10000 per annum, now this institute gives the right to another institute to provide facility of that course on behalf of it and the fees amt. is bifercated to Regd. fees Rs. 2500, Exam fees Rs.500 and tution fees Rs.7000,now the former institute gives right to later ins. to take Rs.7000 and says that the amt. of regd. fees and Exam fees i.e Rs. 3000 must be given to it plus service tax, now we have to save the former ins. from paying service tax on Amt. 3000, how can we do this?
What is Labour Cess? Pl. define. & what is rate of Labour cess.
Any body tell me about VAT (Karnataka)shortly because, iam reading vat book but iam not able to understand that. if any body tell me shortly about karnataka vat, retursn, tax collectng, tax payment, CENVAT utilizing etc. pleseeeeee
A charted accountant has submitted a bill towards his professinal fees of Rs.330900.00 which includes service tax of Rs.30000, Edu cess Rs.600.00 and shec of Rs.300.00. Please suggest me how much TDS we will deduct from this bill.
8 Answers Alpha Foam, Basai Steels,
what is the diffrence b/w TIN and CST both are same?
How to do entry for Income Tax Refund ?
is WCT TDS should deducted on gross value (basic+service tax)?
What is the meaning & definition of "THRESHHOLD LIMIT" in TDS?
which is the payment date & return fileing dates of PF, PT,ESI,TDS,Service TAx and IT in Karnataka
Dear Sir, i am doing excise part, now I have a dout Please clarify any one. my question is I submitted July month return in before 10th August. But we sold material in july to x party excise value 12% - 1000, 2% - 20 and 1% - 10 Rupees respectively, we paid this amount in the same month it's no problem sir. but now x party reject the material and invoice in september month. may i adjuste above paid amount in september month return? How can i adjuste and where can i metione this details in Excise return? please give answer it's help full for me. Advance thanks for every one reply.
what is excise return form ?