What is the diff bw PF/LF Name and their Record format
name? what is restriction in record format then file name?
difference betwen keywords and opcodes
1.CA(command Atention key)& CF(command Function key) difference with example?Please can any body tell me in real time exp? 2.Can any body tell me some mandatery function keys using while creating any screen with use of SDA-FUNCTION kEYS?
1.Coding in cl to send an message? 2..What is turnover and use? What are the different levels?
how do u track msg in cl pgm???
1. What is bound-by-call and bound-by-reference? 2. Where and why is *Nomain used? 3. What are the difficulties faced by programmers when using service programs? 4. Explain the different ways of parsing and compiling XML in iSeries.
what is use of sflnxtchg and use of MDT(modify data tag).both r same r not and can we use these on dspf and subfile.
What is the purpose of FRCDTA keyword?
How to read data from Nth member of a physical file containing some X number of members in it? "Provided member names are unknown"
Q1.How we can copy the data of file one session to another session? Q2.how we can execute a loop infinitely in AS/400 coding? Q3.In ALDON tool,multitask is posible on a perticular object by the user?
purpose of pannel group??/
difference between 1:%found and %equal built function in detail with example .
How to print output from openquery in as400 ?