Difference between Tabletype and Snapshot?
What is the size of the variant data type?
What is ActiveX Document?
Which method is preferred to save data like database to the disk?
How can you determine performance standards?
How many types of Instantiations are there and what are they?
How would you attach an ActiveX control in Your Application?
What are the types of Instancing property that can be set for a Class in a ActiveX DLL and ActiveX EXE?
What is meant by building a recordset.
Default cursor Type and LockEdit type in DAO?
advantage and disadvantage in visual-basic and ms-access please tell me or send my mail-id
What will be the code in VB, while saving the form and light goes off? Please tell me the exact code line.
How do you make a TEXTBOX read only? Or, how do I prevent the user from changing the text in a TEXTBOX?