what is code for reading member in rpgle when wehave
like extmbr(*all)
so we have 3 members in *all then i want to read first
record in 2member
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Answer / svankipu
Use OVRDBF & replace the member(MBR(*FIRST)) with second
member's name.
Now call the RPG pgm to read the second(2nd) member.
- OR -
If u r already in RPG pgm, use QCMDEXC for overriding the
member with 2nd mbr & continue.
- OR -
If it permits use EXTMBR(2nd mbr-name) instead of EXTMBR(*ALL)
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Answer / adhar246
First do *HIVAL SSETGT on the file. It will set the pointer after the last record of first member. than do simple read operation. it will start reading from first record of second member.
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