After execute the map, What will happen ? Give breif Description
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Answer / narender
After execute the map ?? you mean after compiling the map.
After compiling a map we get two entities one Physical Map
and symbolic map.
All unnamed fields are converted to machine code and placed
in physical Map.
Where as all named fields are part of symbolic Map. Symbolic
map is a copybook in host language (COBOL,PL/1..)
When you send a map from program your physical map is
overlapped with symbolic map and displayed on terminal.
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Answer / adarsh
above answer is enough... but to add one more thing. the
symbolic map copy book has below fields..
F - Flag a one byte
A - Attribute for i/o and o/p
L - Half word binay s9(4) COMP
I - i/p field
O - o/p field
with the above fields mapping with physical map you can use
the RECEIVE and SEND MAP/MAPSET in your application program ...
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Answer / narender
Physical map will be stored in your loadlib, check your compile jcl to check your loadlib.
Otherwise if you want to see in production environment it should be where all other loads are present.
Its machine code..u can see it but can't understand..:-}
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Answer / piyush mani
thanks 4 feedback..
can u tell me where physical map is stored..
can we c it????
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