defination of siebel crm?

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defination of siebel crm?..

Answer / deelipkumar l t from oracle

1. Siebel is a persons name John Siebel from US. Started
with a small institude, by the time it became research
institute. Then he started writting mazins and books which
got demand in market. Then he started selling online books
and mentaining libraries. To handle wide range of orders,
he started giving online services. Only this service become
popularand and other organizations demanded for his
services. So he came up with CRM. He was in 19th Century.

But now its modified(as Global CRM) and given his
name "Siebel".

2. Siebel = GCRM

Global CRM. Enhanced CRM to use globally for any kind of
applications. This is single click operations ie required
details of a customer will be fetched in a single clik. And
the name global it can be integrated with any other
applications and will be usefull for any services and

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defination of siebel crm?..

Answer / srikanth

Siebel is a prominent vendor of interoperable e-business

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defination of siebel crm?..

Answer / shankar

siebel crm (customer relationship management) has set up to
add value the existing customers. If you gain 5% of the
existing customers you gain 80% profit through their
business. CRM helps to bridge the relationship between the
customers and sellers

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