Which can be logged by IPX extended access lists?
A.) source address
B.) protocol
C.) source socket
D.) access list number
E.) destination socket
F.) destination address
Answer / guest
Answer: A B C D E F
All of the above can be logged by IPX extended access lists.
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hi i have some difficulty plz reply as s0on as possible. 1 what is csma/cd(i know u are familer with that protocol) 2 what is the need for it and and 3 rd one in which i need help how to enable csma/cd at router or switches shain make it answer as sson as possibele and call me afetr reply thanks jitendera kuamr sinha
Hey Folks how are you i guess some of guys are newly visitors of this site so let me introduce my self. I am jitendera kumar sinha working for cisco system (india)( Network engineer L2) and i was also a regular Visitors of this site and i have provided lots of answer and i do not know how many are correct :-) By the way i am here again to learn some thing and share my knowledge which is beyond CCNA Scope and and it is some where related to ccnp ( switching )and ccnp Security as i am pursuing ccnp security so i am going to start the topics from switching and will share my knowledge and try to brush-up my knowledge.... so let me know any topic in switching where you are facing difficulty and i will try to solve it so please post one topic and i will reply weekly as i am getting time on Sunday only
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