What is the routing metric used by RIP?

A.) Route poisoning

B.) Split horizon

C.) Hop Count


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What is the routing metric used by RIP? A.) Route poisoning B.) Split horizon C.) Hop Count..

Answer / guest

Answer: C

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a distance vector
routing protocol

that used hop count as its metric. The maximum hop count is
15, 16 hops

is considered unreachable. RIP updates are broadcast every
30 seconds by

default. RIP has an administrative distance of 120.

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 3 No

What is the routing metric used by RIP? A.) Route poisoning B.) Split horizon C.) Hop Count..

Answer / guest

hop count

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 1 No

What is the routing metric used by RIP? A.) Route poisoning B.) Split horizon C.) Hop Count..

Answer / preet

hop count

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

What is the routing metric used by RIP? A.) Route poisoning B.) Split horizon C.) Hop Count..

Answer / aryansyah


Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 2 No

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