what is sql.

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what is sql...

Answer / harika

sql is a Structured Query Language.It is a query based language

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what is sql...

Answer / sivanandareddy

sql is referred to as Structured Query Language) ( ) is a
database computer language designed for managing data in
relational database management systems (RDBMS), and
originally based upon Relational Algebra. ...

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what is sql...

Answer / ganesh mandlik

SQL:- SQL is the abbrivation of Structured Query Language.
Which is used to stored the data in the Database & also
used to retrieve the Data from the Database.

Ganesh Mandlik......

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what is sql...

Answer / ashwin

1)sql is non procedural language where you specify what to
be done instead of specifying how it should be done

2)Sql is called as "Structured Query Language" or
"Sequential Query Language" which can be used to perform DDL
or DML operations on the table.

3)Sql is declarative language.


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what is sql...

Answer / james

Abbreviation of structured query language, and pronounced
either see-kwell or as separate letters. SQL is a
standardized query language for requesting information from
a database. The original version called SEQUEL (structured
English query language) was designed by an IBM research
center in 1974 and 1975. SQL was first introduced as a
commercial database system in 1979 by Oracle Corporation.

Historically, SQL has been the favorite query language for
database management systems running on minicomputers and
mainframes. Increasingly, however, SQL is being supported
by PC database systems because it supports distributed
databases (databases that are spread out over several
computer systems). This enables several users on a local-
area network to access the same database simultaneously.

Although there are different dialects of SQL, it is
nevertheless the closest thing to a standard query language
that currently exists. In 1986, ANSI approved a rudimentary
version of SQL as the official standard, but most versions
of SQL since then have included many extensions to the ANSI
standard. In 1991, ANSI updated the standard. The new
standard is known as SAG SQL.

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what is sql...

Answer / sunil chauhan

1-is the queary based language
2-sql is the language which provade better storage from
other language

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what is sql...

Answer / hr@tgksolutions.com

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language used to interact with relational databases. It allows users to query, insert, update, and delete data.

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