I was asked to draw the class diagram for the below
scenario which should obey OOPS concept. A Portal is to be
developed for a school , which has 3 main divisions viz ,
Education , Admin & Trust. Each division has 2 sub
divisions Kinder Garden & Higer Secondary.

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I was asked to draw the class diagram for the below scenario which should obey OOPS concept. A Por..

Answer / guest

I said , I will have a Base Class School , and 3 sub
classes for school , viz Admin Class, Eucation Class &
Trust Class. I will have an interface with 2 methods , viz
KinderGarden() and Hsc() and an implementation class for
these methods. The sub classes will extend School class and
implement this interface.

Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 2 No

I was asked to draw the class diagram for the below scenario which should obey OOPS concept. A Por..

Answer / adarsh

I think the best way to do this would be to have an interface for school,Kinder Garden and Higher secondary .Make School as the super class and kinder garden and secondary as an interface which extends the school interface.Then we can have three classes Education,Admin and Trust and make this classes implement both kinder garden and Secondary interfaces

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I was asked to draw the class diagram for the below scenario which should obey OOPS concept. A Por..

Answer / binoy

I would answer this different.

I would have a Class (Interface) called School.
I will have an Class (Interface) called Division extending
Education , Admin and Trust would be instances of Division.
KinderGarten and Higher Secondary would be subclasses that
would implement the Division interface.
In real time scenario, KinderGarten or Higher secondary
would be implementing either Education,Admin or Trust

I am not sure if any of them are any methodes. All are to
be considered as classes instead of methods

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