Answer / rishabh8888

Banking field is one of the most secured field and with that
it is the fast growing field in which a person with hard
work and dedication can reach several milestones in a short
span of time.

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More BSRB Clerical Interview Questions

sbi clerk interview main computer certificate dena jareuri hai.

0 Answers   State Bank Of India SBI,

what is slr, crr, bank rate, repo rate, reverse repo rate?

2 Answers   State Bank Of India SBI,

Hi, this Udaya Bhaskar (9492038751) again. I posted a post already today (23.05.2009, 11:30 hrs, SBI Staff Training Centre, West Maredpally, Sec'bad) morning immediately after i attended the interview of SBH Clerical from Hyderabad Region. Now I am giving some material on Clerical interview for the benefit of your good selves. SLR - Statutory liquidity ratio - 24% at present (RBI range25% - 40%) CRR - Cash reserve ratio - 5 % at present Repo rate - 4.75 % at present - It is the rate at which RBI lends money to Banks Reverse Repo Rate - 3.25% - It is the rate at which Banks park their funds with RBI Bank Rate - 6% at present - It is the rate at which RBI lends money to Banks Main difference between Repo rate and Bank rate is that Repo rate is the discounting offered by the RBI on the monetary bill hold by the Banks Savings Bank Rate - 3.5% for SBH & SBI Call money rate - 2.25% - 4.30% - It is the rate of interest charged by the banks for temporary borrows among banks Legar Tender Money - Currency issued by RBI Optional Money - Cheques, DDs, Bankers Cheques Plastic Money - Credit card, Debit card Credit card is ready made overdraft in e-form for buying good and services by the card holder within specified limits and according to terms and conditions of the issuer Bank without having any account. Debit card is e-Cheque which can be used within the limits of the credit in the account associated with it for financial transactions. Core Banking - Networking of Banks for providing any where any time Banking is called Core Banking Merchant Bank provides capital to firms in the form of shares rather than money. Investment Banks tend to provide investment to firms. Corporate Banking looks after the needs of Big firms, companies, business entities Business Banking looks after needs of medium level business firms, entities, individuals Retail banking focusses to provide services to individuals Private banking focusses to provide services to high networth individuals Lead Banking focusses on providing all type of financial services Narrow Banking focusses on a particular sector like Mortgage, Auto Finance etc. With best wishes, Udaya Bhaskar 9492038751

26 Answers   State Bank Of India SBI,

When will the offer cum call letters of sbi clerks 2010 be sent ,interveiw held between april-may 2010 ?

1 Answers   State Bank Of India SBI,

I got a interview call from tamilnadu mercantile bank for clerk,and i have some confusion in answering some of the questions. 1. I am MBA and in interview if they say you are overqualified and ask why did you applied for clerk rather than PO how can i answer? The reality is i found clerk exam to be lot easier than PO, so how can i answer them? 2.What to answer if they ask why did you chose our Bank? 3.And what kind of questions they usually ask?

1 Answers   Tamilnad Mercantile Bank, TMB,

i received SMS on 27-12-2008 that i have allotted(as Clerk) to SBI Admnistrative unit, Visakhapatnam. But i didnt received mail yet. Does any one received mail? please reply. When willorders come?

0 Answers   State Bank Of India SBI,

I am a btech in computer science and engg. I have cleared written of SBI CLERICAL EXAM NOV 2009 Please tell me what kind of questions will be asked??

0 Answers   State Bank Of India SBI,

CANARA BANK Clerk-Typist Recruitment Exam May 2005 Question Papers

12 Answers   Canara Bank, Honeywell, Rama, State Bank Of India SBI, Wipro,


0 Answers  

those who got selected for syndicate bank clerks plz share your views and previous interview experiences if you have any

14 Answers   Syndicate Bank,

hey friends,can anybody help that what should be the perfect answer in strength and weakness?

1 Answers   State Bank Of India SBI,

If we r selected as clerk in SBI when will be joining date?

0 Answers  
