How i'll delete a particular line from the file? Please give
answer as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

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How i'll delete a particular line from the file? Please give answer as soon as possible. Thank..

Answer / jeetu

dd command.

pressing dd on the line which we want to delete.

Is This Answer Correct ?    35 Yes 4 No

How i'll delete a particular line from the file? Please give answer as soon as possible. Thank..

Answer / dhanooj

1)open file ,point to that perticular line, give
command "dd"
it will delete the line and save the file by pressing ":wq"
2)grep -v 'string pattern' file > newfile
it will create newfile with all lines from the file
except the lines containing "string pattern"
3)sed "pattern/d" filename >tmpfile
will delete all lines having this pattern and will write
to newfile
4)sed "3,d" filename >tmpfile
will remove the line 3 and will write to tmpfile

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 3 No

How i'll delete a particular line from the file? Please give answer as soon as possible. Thank..

Answer / yadvinder singh

First of all open the file in which u want to delete the
line by
vi filename

GO to that perticular line,
now press esc then press dd
it will delete ur whole line

then if u want to save the file
first press esc then type :wq then press enter
it will save ur file can check it.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 3 No

How i'll delete a particular line from the file? Please give answer as soon as possible. Thank..

Answer / rajasekhar.v

sed 'nd' filename
n means which line you want to delect

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How i'll delete a particular line from the file? Please give answer as soon as possible. Thank..

Answer / sathish kumar p

sed '3d' file name

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How i'll delete a particular line from the file? Please give answer as soon as possible. Thank..

Answer / ranjan tikoo

If I have 10 lines in the file and I want to delete line 5
and 6 then use

sed '5,6 d' temp1.txt > temp2.txt

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

How i'll delete a particular line from the file? Please give answer as soon as possible. Thank..

Answer / hari

uniq -u1 filename

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How i'll delete a particular line from the file? Please give answer as soon as possible. Thank..

Answer / sekhar

by useing sed command we can delete a particular line foe example...
Ans: sed 'nd' < filename n means no.of the line for ex we want to delete 5th line
sed '5d' < using this command we delete multiple lines also....
sed '5,8d' < filename..this will deletes 5th to 8th line...

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How i'll delete a particular line from the file? Please give answer as soon as possible. Thank..

Answer / pk

any other alternatives!?

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How i'll delete a particular line from the file? Please give answer as soon as possible. Thank..

Answer / ansar

Esc dd on command prompt in vi mode.

grep -v "pattern" will also remove the line if we know the
matching pattern on that line.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 11 No

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