what are the two key events for the sql connection class?
explain the differnce between the two.

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what are the two key events for the sql connection class? explain the differnce between the two...

Answer / srikanth r

The two key events are InfoMessage and StateChange events.

InfoMessage event occurs when informational message is
returned from data source that do not results in throwing
an exception.
StateChange event occurs when there is a change in
Connection to the data source.

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what are the two key events for the sql connection class? explain the differnce between the two...

Answer / annie

The two key event of sqlConnection class are:
StateChange event:Occurs only when the state of the connection with the database changes. The evnthandler receives an argument of type StateChangeEventArgs. This argument contains data related to that perticular event.
The properties of this event are: CurrentState and OriginalState.
InfoMessage event: Occurs only when an informational message returned from the database having connection with. The event handler receives an argument of type SqlInfoMessageEventArgs. This argument contains the data related to that particular event.
The properties of this event are: Error,Message and Source.

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