I'm a engineering graduate with 78%(first class with
distinction).I've been selected in campus but i cant pay the
deposit they asked.I cant afford staying in city and get a
suitable job.I've been selected for sbi clerk exam.If he ask
me,why r u coming for a clerk post, what should be my
Help me to find a suitable answer
rupee is non convertible. Explain.
Why do you want to work for this organization?
1. Briefly describe your ideal job? 2. Why did you choose this career? 3. What goals do you have in your career? 4. How do you plan to achieve these goals? 5. Can you work well under deadlines or pressure? 6. Tell us about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. What were the repercussions? 7. Do you have reference list? 8. Why do you want to work here? 9. Why should we hire you over the others waiting to be interviewed? 10. Give us details of your present Employment Status. 11. How soon can you travel down to any Location posted U? 12. What three Specific Job Positions do you target from the Company? 13. Give us your full details on the Following; Full Name, Permanent Mailing address, Office/Work Mailing Address, Direct Contact Number(s), E-mail addresses (es). 14. What is your Country of Nationality? Is it different from your Present Location? 15. What is your Future Plans for the Company if Permanently Employed?
what may be the reasons for the degrawth of a market ? How to graw an week market
please send me previous papers
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
as you finished hotelmanagement why you want to work sales and marketing.
Hello All, Can anybody plz brief abt the yahoo interview procedure?? specially the programming round of the interview procedure??
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What. Is. This sap mining
Commonwealth Games data for google interveiw
Hi, I am Jafar Ansarsi, I have total 13+ yrs of Exp in IT(Oracle,PL/sql,Developer,Discovere etc) Field,along with Exp in Operation,Manufacturing,Logistics & HRMS. I have worked on Basically 'ORION' Product of 3i-Infotech. with UAE exp, looking for good job in ERP either ORACLE or same ORION Product. if anyone have something pls let me know at ansari.jafar.3i@gmail.com