. With the help of above table EMP, perform the following
operation is sql.
a) Add the new column “DEPTNO”
b) Rename the table
c) Update table
d) Modify the table if column ‘SAL’ whose data type is
number (10) and you want to enter varchar2 (15) . For
example $USD 20 etc.
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Answer / guest
create table emp(EMPID number(9),SAL number(10));
Result:creates a table named EMP.
a)alter table EMP add DEPTNO number(9);
Result:a new coloumn DEPTNO is added to the existing table EMP.
b)alter table EMP rename to EMP-RENAMED;
Result:renames the table name EMP to EMP-RENAMED.
c)update EMP-RENAMED
set SAL=SAL+10000
where EMPID>=xxxx;
Result:updates the salaries of Table emp depending upon the condition.
d)alter table EMP-RENAMED modify SAL varchar2(15);
Result:alters the SAL coloumn datatype to varchar2.
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Answer / arvind agrawal
if want a column in table emp then perform above operation
sql>add deptno into emp;
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