shall we execute our java programmes in jre
When we delete logfiles such as screenshots how does it affect the ldf file? Ive seen huge change while adding screenshots in the ldf file but a very minor one deleting them.Please Explain
how many types of bytes are there???
write a query that returns one row for each department and the number of employees in that department. Given two tables EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT, where there can be multiple employees per department.
How to create a new dataset only duplicate observations in proc sort procedure?
5. How do you round the addition or subtraction of two numbers in assembler?
can we retrieve only integer/String type columns from a table,if yes how?
1) How can u create the table?
4.Write a program to get the string in array and print that? or Without using loop print the array.
Code for display the images from drive using vb 6.0?
I want Ada programming language books. Could anyone post me any link for that?
How to rename A1-A30 datasets into B1-B30 using macros?
why we use abstract word in abstract window toolkit in java language.