Where is the Version Information Stored on a assembly ?
Write the Namespace to load assemblies at runtime
Can you allow a class to be inherited but prevent the
method from being overridden ?
What happens in memory when you box and unbox a value type ?
Write a progtam to convert decimal to byte without using
library function.

Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback

Where is the Version Information Stored on a assembly ? Write the Namespace to load assemblies at r..

Answer / nitish singh

Version information is stored in assembly in manifest

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 0 No

Where is the Version Information Stored on a assembly ? Write the Namespace to load assemblies at r..

Answer / manasi

Version information is stored in assembly in manifest..

Namespace to load assemblies at run time is System...

in boxing & unboxing... boxing=value type convert into
refrence type for boxing no explicit conversion is required
unboxing=unboxing is opposte of boxing refrence type convert
into value type for unboxing explicte conversion is required..

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

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