assume we have a loss for the last finacial year ,when we
are calculating income tax for this year how would be
affected last year loss

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assume we have a loss for the last finacial year ,when we are calculating income tax for this year..

Answer / arjun bassi

first of all if a company or a firm has a loss it has to
compulsory file the return under section 139(3).
if we have a loss under any of the head of income in last
year then it can be carry forward or set off in the next
year from that particular head of income subject to certain
exceptions as per income tax act,1956 . As by doing this
we have to pay more tax as compared by not carrying forward
of losses.

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assume we have a loss for the last finacial year ,when we are calculating income tax for this year..

Answer / h.r. sreepada bhagi

Income Tax Returns needs to be filed by a business entity
for every Assessment year and the loss calculated as per the
Income Tax Act, 1961 can be carried forward to the next
Assessment year.
While computing Income Tax for the Current Assessment year,
the loss brought forward from last can be set off as per the
provisions of Income Tax Act.

For more Information & practical guidance, contact a
Chartered Accountant or a Tax Practitioner.

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assume we have a loss for the last finacial year ,when we are calculating income tax for this year..

Answer / mark

loss for the last financial year can be carried forward to
next year and it can be setoff in case of business loss it
can be setoff only in business profits in case of house
property it can setoff from any source of head . in case of
accumulated dep can be setoff from all sources except from
income from salary in case of capital gains short term
capital loss can setoff only from short term gain . it can
carried forward for 8years

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