How do you ensure that you base your software plans, work
items and products on the requirement?

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How do you ensure that you base your software plans, work items and products on the requirement?..

Answer / lalit

Breaking down the requirements into use-cases and unit test
plans before starting the design ....

if into product development / long term development -
automate these use cases and unit tests into regression
tests ... otherwise, just have a check-list document in
every phase of code-delivery, before sending it to testing
for the QA teams ....

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How do you ensure that you base your software plans, work items and products on the requirement?..

Answer / sudip kumar bera

hi guys i dont know the exact answer of this
question.According to me this ans will be given in a bit
different way.Basically I am an all rounder cricket player.i
can bat ,bowl and field at all situations.So if i can show
my talent in this respect so being an electrical engineer i
am confi that i can base my plans,work items and products on
the reqrment...........

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