. Using sed and grep, write a command which lists files and
with following properties:
(i) created in 1999
(ii) with user's as owner and group
. Using sed and grep, write a command which lists files and directories with following properties: (i) created in 1999 (ii) with user's as owner and group
in unix profile contains
In this command sqlplus -s username/password what is -S and what's the use..???
The UNIX shell is.... a).does not come with the rest of the system b).forms the interface between the user and the kernal c) does not give any scope for programming d) deos not allow calling one program from with in another e) all of the above
how to check GDE,EME,Java,Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release versions Versions on unix system
What are different types of shells?
What is major difference between the Historic Unix and the new BSD release of Unix System V in terms of Memory Management?
How many VI editor modes do you know?
In Unix inter process communication take place using?
I am new to Unix and Unix Shell scripting could you guide me on how to go about these subjects and where to start from with concern to Oracle?. I also would like to know where does UNIX shell Scripting help in terms of development of a application in Oracle? I have no clue in the subject so do help me. Thank You Neelima
What is Fork swap?
1 Answers Infosys, SSI Small Scale Industries,
How will you run the script in UNIX?