Please tell me which institute is the best to study
Informatica and in chennai
Also please send me the latest interview questions in,c# and sql server to my id
hi all, can anyone please tell me the difference between erwin tool and informatica ?how these both works ? how this both are going to connect with business objects. THANKS IN ADVANCE
what is the look up transformation?
what is bridge tables in informatica
What is an incremental loading? in which situations we will use incremental loading
Could you explain what is enterprise data warehouse?
If a table contains 100 records we have to fetch 50-100 records from source to target?how
When do you use mapping parameters? (In which transformations)
Can yoU use the maping parameters or variables created in one maping into another maping?
i have a flat file and the file s are like below ****%%^^@@@G**@#A@#$N*&^E%^S@#h@@@##$$ IN THIS FORMATE Means un limited special charecter between and sides of the string data..output should be(GANESH) HOW YOU HANDEL THIS TYPE OF RECORDS,,COZ U DON"T KNOW WHERE AND WHAT ARE THE SPECIAL CHARACTERS IN BETWWEN THE NAME...
Define mapplet?
what is mystery dimension?
How many ways are there to create ports?