i have a question which is quite simple but yet complicated
for me
my question is why do we use void, if it does not return
anything to the compiler?
if it is used for normal display it can also be done by
what is called Console.Write() or Consol.WriteLine() and if
i do not use void with my method then my compiler throws me
an error. if i return a value say integer then i write
public int fun() display of the result can also be done
then why is it so necessary to use void with a function and
why so compiler throw us an error if v don't use void
return type?

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i have a question which is quite simple but yet complicated for me my question is why do we use ..

Answer / sathish

Just to add on that,
i guess, Compiler basically looks the pre-defined syntax or
format rather than just the keyword, like say, it parses
public void test(). Here ACCESS MODIFIER is optional,
becuase bydefault it is PRIVATE, but return type is
mandatory, that is why, eventhough you don't return any
value, it is mandatory to instruct compilter that, the
function does not return anything.

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i have a question which is quite simple but yet complicated for me my question is why do we use ..

Answer / n r s reddy

Hi buddy...

its as simple as your questino.

By using key word VOID, just its an informationto the
comiler stating that following code is not goig to return
anything. Where we can save some resources like memory
etc... from functionality point of view.

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