How do you add a prefix to some or all variables in a
dataset using a SAS macro?
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Answer / kumar
If it is Interview Question I would do say something like this.
/* Running the renaming macro */
options macrogen mprint mlogic;
%macro rename(lib,dsn);
options pageno=1 nodate;
proc contents data=&lib..&dsn;
title "Before Renaming All Variables";
proc sql noprint;
select nvar into :num_vars
from dictionary.tables
where libname="&LIB" and
select distinct(name) into :var1-
from dictionary.columns
where libname="&LIB" and
proc datasets library=&LIB;
modify &DSN;
%do i=1 %to &num_vars;
options pageno=1 nodate;
proc contents data=&lib..&dsn;
title "After Renaming All Variables";
%mend rename;
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Answer / sastechies
Often we need to add a prefix to some or all variables in a
dataset before we might have to merge datasets that have
similar column attributes...This macro would allow you to
do that....
Try it for yourself....
SAS Macro to add a prefix to some or all variables in a
data set...
to be used like this...
inpdsn - input dataset name libname.dsnname
prefix - prefix that you want to assign
outdsn - output dataset name libname.dsnname
excludevars - vars that you do not want to rename with the
%macro prefixvars(inpdsn,prefix,outdsn,excludevars=);
/* split the excludevars into individual macro var names
for later use*/
%let num=1;
%let excludevar=%scan(%upcase(&excludevars),&num,' ');
%let excludevar&num=&excludevar;
%do %while(&excludevar ne );
%let num=%eval(&num + 1);
%let excludevar=%scan(&excludevars,&num,' ');
%let excludevar&num=&excludevar;
%let numkeyvars=%eval(&num - 1); /* this is number of
variables given in the exclude vars */
%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&inpdsn)); /* open the dataset
and get the handle
%let numvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,nvars)); /* get the
number of variables
set &inpdsn(rename=(
/*rename all the variables that are not in the
%do i = 1 %to &numvars;
%let flag=N;
%let var&i=%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&i));
%do j=1 %to &numkeyvars;
%if %upcase(&&var&i) eq &&excludevar&j %then %
let flag=Y;
%if &flag eq N %then %do;
&&var&i=&prefix&&var&i %end;
%let rc=%sysfunc(close
/*Call the macro
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