What was rococo?
Discuss the various Social Aspects of Fashion.
0 Answers Mahatma Gandhi University,
What were Yuppies in the 1980s?
Explain Mass Dissemination in fashion adoption?
0 Answers Mahatma Gandhi University,
I want to become an airhostess.I have a mole on my face it's not the ugly type of mole but it is there.Is it necessary to remove it.I mean I kind of like it and I don't want to but if it's important then I will do it.
What was rococo?
Which two paper dressmaking pattern companies helped women to make more of the domestic sewing machine?
how can i b the modle is course is must 4 modling im doing job how can i b ma height 5.8smthing
When was neo gothic influence in dress fashions at its peak?
Who developed 'scientific' theories about the use of hygienic dress and of wearing wool, next to the body?
I'm 13 year old girl. I am 5'3 (161cms) tall and I am dying to be a professional model when I grow up. The troubel is, I don't know about the modelling agencies I am finding on the internet and whether they are ligitemate, and will fulfill my dreams and not waste my time. If anyone could refer me to any ligitemate modelling agencies in Sydney, Australia, that would be great.
Which are the steps in fashion forecasting?
0 Answers Mahatma Gandhi University,
Mention how the rise of middle class affects fashion.
0 Answers Mahatma Gandhi University,