I have a flat file, in which i have two fields, emp_id,
emp_name. The data is like this,
how to merge the names so that my output is like this
Emp_id Emp_name
101 Soha ali kahn
102 siva shenkar reddy
please provide solution
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Answer / gd
Use aggregator t/r In that condition group by on emp_id and
create output port with expression concat('emp_id','
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 0 No |
SRT - Sort by column col1.
EXP - empid
After this we can use aggregator t/r to take last row for a
particualr emp id using LAST.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / nanda
In expression transformation take a variable port, lets say
v_emp_id and equate it to emp_id,
take one more variable port for calculation as v_cal
and write a expression in v_cal as
v_cal= iff(emp_id=v_emp_id, emp_name||v_cal, emp_name)-----
----- (1)
take an output port O_emp_name and
O_emp_name = v_cal
write the following as shown in the expression
transformation, i meant the order of ports and their
corresponding values
v_cal the (1) expression
v_emp_id emp_id
O_emp_name v_cal
send the output ports to aggregator and in aggregator
take a output port O_agg_emp_name
O_agg_emp_name = last(O_emp_name)
send the emp_id and the O_agg_emp_name to the target
and thts it
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / rana
In Expression transformation create four variable port like:
and use following condition
v_nr=iif(v_id <> emp_ID,0,v_nr+1)
v_fname=iif(v_nr = 0,emp_name,v_fname)
v_mname=iif(v_nr = 1,emp_name,v_mname)
v_lname=iif(v_nr = 2,emp_name,v_lname)
v_id=iif(v_id <> emp_ID,emp_id,v_id)
Add a Filter transformation, and condition will be (NOT
ISNULL(v_Fname) and NOT ISNULL(v_Mname) and NOT ISNULL
Take an example, If rows are like these:
For : 101,soha ==>
*v_nr=iif(v_id <> 101,0,v_nr+1) [v_id is now 0 or
It will return 0
*v_fname=iif(v_nr = 0,emp_name,v_fname) [v_nr is 0 now
so "SOHA" will insert into f_name variable]
other condition will be false
For : 101,ali ==>
*v_nr=iif(101 <> 101,0,v_nr+1) [v_nr is now 1 ]
It will return 1, because condition will FALSE and v_nr+1
will add 1 to 0, mean 1
*v_fname=iif(v_nr = 0,emp_name,v_fname) [v_nr is 1 so
condition is FALSE and it will return v_fname that
is "SOHA" that was stored when v_nr was 0]
*v_mname=iif(v_nr = 1,emp_name,v_mname) [v_nr is 1 and
Condition is TRUE so now it will return emp_name and that
is "ALI"]
other condition will be false
For : 101,khan ==>
*v_nr=iif(101 <> 101,0,v_nr+1) [v_nr is now 2]
It will return 2, because condition will FALSE and v_nr+1
will add 1 to 1, mean 2
*v_fname=iif(v_nr = 0,emp_name,v_fname) [v_nr is 2 so
condition is FALSE and it will return v_fname that
is "SOHA" that was stored when v_nr was 0]
*v_mname=iif(v_nr = 1,emp_name,v_mname) [v_nr is 2 and
Condition is FALSE and it will return v_mname that is "ALI"
that was stored when v_nr was 1]
*v_lname=iif(v_nr = 2,emp_name,v_lname) [v_nr is 2 now so
condition is TRUE and it will return emp_name and that
is “KHAN” now]
v_id=iif(v_id <> emp_ID,emp_id,v_id)
Let me know if you have still any confusion on this,
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / shirish
In expression transformation use an output port ...in
expression window write emp_id||empname
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 15 No |
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