Local 5 % vat are applicable at stock transfer note Example my factory are placed on pithampur indore and our stockiest placed at dewas naka indore
1466where ESI applicable in Industrial area , WC can be taken from general insurance companies, if so will it be valid ?
1403Explain the relationship between the balance of payments and the exchange rates of a country, giving suitable illustrations in support of your answer?
803What are the major problems faced by developing countries in promoting their exports? Suggest some solutions to these problems?
737Post New Industrial Management Questions
what is the job of madical representative?
Explain the history and Growth of the clothing industry.
What is fast moving items?
why u have not worked anywhere for 3 years
What do you mean by balance of payments?
List about logistics works?
Explain difference between mpp & mrp?
Explain the relationship between the balance of payments and the exchange rates of a country, giving suitable illustrations in support of your answer?
what is mean by comapany & what is mean by marketing & waht is mean by bill received
can anyone help me out with names of 3 leading 1)logistics companies 2) supply chain companies in the world
Can any body explain about man and machine calculation? especially in pharma sector.
Describe the frameworks for resolving ethical dilemmas?
Explain the modern theory of international trade. How is it an improvement over the classical theory?
Bonjour Incroyable , mais VRAI ,il y a trop d'escroquerie dans les offres de prêt entre particulier ,donc faite attention a l'Afrique. Moi j'ai visité un site d'annonce du Canada de prêt entre particulier sérieux^partout dans le monde et j'ai connu une Dame formidable, du nom de Mme Maryvonne de nationalité francaise qui aide les gens en leur faisant des prêts et qui m'a accordé un prêt de 350000¤ pour l'achat d'un immobilier que je dois rembourser sur 20ans avec un très faible interêt de sa part soit 3% l'ans.Avant que je ne recoive le montant , j'ai juste souscris une assurance de 2450¤ sur toute ma durée de prêt et là le lendemain matin j'ai reçu l'argent sans payer aucun frais ou taxe de Banque.Besoin de credit personnel ,vos banque refuse de vous accorder de pret,vous etes en CDI et autre de vous adresser à lui et vous serrez satisfait mais attention à vous qui n'aimez pas rembourser les prêts. Voici son mail : maryvonne.loan@gmail.com