What is the difference between using transaction- solman_workcenter and work center with web browser: service ags_workcenter?
1Post New SAP SolMan (Solution Manager) Questions
What are the features of change request management?
What is solution in solution manager administration work center?
What is sap solution manager diagnostics?
Explain what is sap solution manager?
What is the use of centralized administration work center?
What is the use of gp run time?
Which applications can be used with solutions in sap solman?
Mention what are the key features of solution manager diagnostics?
What is the transaction code for business blueprint in sap solution manager?
What are the different modules where you can use gpa?
What are the key features of solution manager diagnostics?
What are the different types of business work modes?
What key approaches are supported by the sap solution manager in the implementation phase?
What are the roles assigned to it task planning user?
Explain how sap solution manager helps in testing?