I have applied for rrb ,for the post of JE (mechanical),So please send me the solved Question papers for the past four years RRB EXAM's as soon as posible.
1 3151diffuser increases pressure but in turbine pressure is decreasing when steam passing through casing?
1 3173what is the difference between bearing and crushing mode of failure in respect to machine design?
1 8636what is the difference between set up of cast iron manufacturing industry and steel manufacturing industry?
1604Hi i am riyaz ahmed . i got rejected for first time and i nedd to apply for next time and can i apply in 1 or 2 week . and wt abt my sevies fee ? i should make a new once shill i go with the same and wt docement i should change can u plz help me out and my mail it is royalriyaz@gmail.com
22141. Mass of water is 100 lit. & Its initial temperature is 40ºC. Find the capacity of refrigerating machine (Ton of refrigeration) when it is converted in to 0 ºC ice, within 2 hours.
1 2977Post New Mechanical Engineering Questions
What kind of materials should be used for shafts manufacturing?
What is the different types of surge tanks ?
what is Retainer?
Classification of bunkers?
What is gd&t?
i want sample question paper for SECTION ENGINEER IN RRB.
What are the dimensionless parameters used in forced convection?
Which types of questions ask in pool campus pune in technical and aptitude test
Explain why would some industries select pneumatics over hydraulic?
What are the characteristics of Freon 12?
Hi i am having 5 yrs of exp in Proe wildfire,Anybody have the jobs related to Aerospace
I am presently working as marine engineer on ship & I wish to settle on land. So can you please suggest any short term course with 100% job guarantee?
I need BHEL Engineer Trainee written test papers in Mechanical stream.
previous question papers for group 2
sir i am selected for HAL Ast. Engg so pls Interview Qus