We are into industrial flooring (epoxy flooring) business. We buy material from manufacturers.We supply and laying the to companies. In our billing what tax/ taxes to be claimed from companies? Are we applicable for only WCT or any else?
1725what is the factor of safety for cement and steel with reference to IS 456-2000. and min reinforcement should be provided for column and slab with reference to IS 456-2000.
5 38059For the calculation of bearing pressure below the footing, to know whether it is below the safe bearing pressure of the soil, the unit of RCC below ground level to be taken is 25 KN/m3 or (25-15)KN/m3, where 25 is the unit weight of RCC and 15 is the unit weight of soil and whether the weight of backfilling to be taken?
1932I have used the proportion of cement:sand:gravel, is 1:2:4. cement and the sand was provided by the company but i provided the gravel. this combination was used to fill 500 cubic ft of wall. now i want to know how much gravel was used in making the wall. can you guys please help me?
2 4922Post New Civil Engineering Questions
Exterior Joints,define
i need gate exam civil engineering question papers with answers
Consumption of Binding wire for fixing of cover block in vertical surface
What is the difference between Fe 500, Fe 500 D and Fe 515.
Can anyone tell me the sequence of the activities in a drawing room, kitchen & Toilet including civil work, finishing, electrical & plumbing fittings
how meny typs of renging rod?
Why do we not deduct steel volume to find actual volume of concrete in practical as we have studied that,,, actual volume of concrete = volume of column- volume of steel pls explain with reference of IS code?????
i have a interlock pavement work.i need to compact about 2000 sq metres of sub base grade c of thickness 15 cm.what is the amount of water required for compaction ??
Define mirror?
give me the rate analysis for Bituminous Macadam and SDBC
how i can calculate the actual nos & size of steel to make 1000sqft. x 3"thick slab
is there any influence of water(used for mixing of concrete) on a weight of harndend concrete.
What is the primary difference between adsorption and absorption?
please give me the rates of RCC(CUM), PCC(CUM), Brick Work(CUM), Tile Flooring, Saria Shuttering
Draw a neat sketch showing the 'throat' of a welding in a plate girder ?