What are immunoglobulin folds?
What are intracellular pathogens?
What is the self-antigen for perinicious anemia?
Name the assay method for insulin in serum
What is the disease caused by Ebola virus?
Give the significance of P-815.
What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule compliment activated by igg or igm?
Explain in brief about leukotrienes and prostaglandins
How many types of histamine receptors are there and what are they?
Give brief description of jurkat cell line
Name some purified macromolecules derived from pathogens.
How B cell hybridomass are formed?
What is the disease caused by helicobacter pylori?
Name the assay method for compliment component C3 on glomerular basement membrane.
What does immunodeficiency results?