What services are used to deal with communication?
Which type of work process can execute only once in r/3 system?
From hardware perspective, every information system can be divided into three task areas presentation?
What is an application, presentation and database servers in sap r/3?
Explain what is an application, presentation and database servers in sap r/3?
Explain how foreign currency revaluation works in sap r/3 fi?
What are the most recent releases of the sap r/3 solution?
What is mm module importance in sap r/3?
Explain instance. What are its functions?
Differentiate between srm vendor list and source list from r/3.
What components of the R/e system initiate the start of background jobs at the specified time?
Explain server?
What is a client in SAP terminology?
What are the different types of views in sap r/3 system?
Mention what are the major benefits of reporting with bw over r/3?