How to design a view to show region wise profit and sales.i did not want line and bar chat should be used for profit and sales?
506Think that I am using tableau desktop & have a live connection to cloudera hadoop data. I need to press f5 to refresh the visualization. Is there anyway to automatically refresh visualization every ‘x’ seconds instead of pressing f5?
What is the use of a new custom sql query in tableau?
What type of data limitations does tableau public have?
Outline the names for parameters, filters?
Can sql and power query/query editor be used together?
What is the tableau desktop?
Give some date and time functions?
What is Forecasting in Tableau?
What is synthetic key and how to avoid it in qlikview?
Explain what is the difference between blending and joining in tableau?
What’s an advantage of tableau extract file over the live connection?
What are table calculations?
What are the major differences between tableau version 7.0 and tableau version 8.0?
Explain the features of tableau?
Explain QlikView IntervalMatch() and Match() functions?
What is null? Will digit zero and an empty string consider as null?