Pharmacy Interview Questions
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How to conduct Literature Survey for Generics Development for European Market


Please send me the model papers of Drug Inspector


1 4037

why temparature limit is +/-2 degrees and rh +/-5% in stablity


2 7094

Why we are disodium tartare for factor of karlficher titration ?

2 7860

what is the differece between polarimeter lamp and IR lamp ?


1 14088

what is the difference of vaccum pressure and vapour pressure ?

Aurobindo, VH,

2 18210

why pooled sample is required in dissolution test?


2 17729

any deviation can be changed into the change control?

4 21847

how much newton equal to 1 kg/cm sq

3 7137

What are closely monitor parameters in stability study?

2 10777

what does in simple words meant by thermodynamically stable means??

1 4774

hi, i am Divya from hyderabad, completed masters in pharmacy. i heard about data decoding for pharmacy professionals. so can any one give information on this like which institute offers coating for this in hyderabad and location. plz do reply.........thank you

1 5047

What is the formula for KF standardisation?

Watson Pharmaceuticals,

6 30373

Difference Between Purity And Potency?

Dr Reddys, Reddy Labs, Watson Pharmaceuticals,

3 12315

Delay in receiving offer letter? Dear All, Recently I clear all technical and HR round with one good MNC. I've submitted my scan document of qualification and work experience. Evenafter 2 weeks of sending documents, they didn't release the offer letter. Please suggest me effective email contents to deal them. Thank You


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Un-Answered Questions { Pharmacy }

What are the common indications for prescribing Alprazolam? How does it differ from other medications used to treat anxiety?


Can you please mail me the latest syllabus of UTTAR PRADESH DRUG INSPECTOR entrance exam and UTTAR PRADESH FOOD INSPECTOR entrance exam with the eligibility criteria for Uttar Pradesh domicile candidates.


how quantitative stability is done


hello,am milan mohite,i have completed B.PHARM,in 2008.and now do M.B.A from ignou,and D.P.P.M,from IPER{PUNE},please suggest me best coaching institute in pune for drug inspector,and send me model question paper for prepration of D.I. on my e.mail id - Thanks.


Why and When RRF is necessary in RS method? How it is helpful in method development?


how you can fix the known and unknown impurity limit for any drug substance


how quantitative stability studies are done?


is there any entrance exam conducted for the post of drug inspector and what is the usual time


In dissolution test why sample is withdrawn from top of the paddle and not less than 1 cm away from wall?


what is the defination of Change Control given in various guidelines?


what are all the needs or pre-requisites to perform project on bracketing and matrixing of stability products?


What is validation, validation protocol and validation master plan?


Why do you want to make a career in pharmaceutical?


Hi, I am studying Bpharmacy final year. 1)I want to interview questions for facing basic interview.please help me to provide model papers for all pharma companies and give ur valuable suggestions also. 2)Send me important links for BPharmacy interviews. 3)How should i prepare for facing interview,please give me suggestion. My email


How would you make a physician to prescribe your medicine rather than that of the competitor?