What is the significance of history panel?
Which tool you would prefer to use when you want to crop a human portrait from an image?
Is it possible to create animations through photoshop?
Can you explain smart object in photoshop?
What is the best format to upload a use a good quality image to a website?
Name the color spaces supported by photoshop.
Can you mention the shortcut to e-mail photos directly from the lightroom?
Explain what is a gaussian blur?
Explain swatches palettes in adobe photoshop?
Explain Gradient Tool with it's Shortcut Key?
How do you crop an image in adobe photoshop?
What is resizing images and size guide in adobe photoshop?
Explain the use of Eyedropper Tool with it's Shortcut Key?
Explain the parameters to change the size of the picture?
Explain the benefits of photoshop elements 13?