Can you please explain the difference between photoshop elements/photoshop and photoshop lightroom software?
25Post New Adobe Photoshop Questions
In photoshop, what is a smart object?
Explain swatches palettes in adobe photoshop?
What is a gaussian blur?
How do we crop an image in photoshop?
How can you create artistic borders for an image?
Do you know why should one use photoshop elements 13?
Explain the Use of Pen Tool with it's Shortcut Key?
What is Freeform Pen Tool?
For photoshop is cs3 really that much better than cs2 on an intel mac?
Explain gaussian blur in adobe photoshop?
How can we align layers of an image relative to each other?
Explain healing tool?
Tell me how to select an exact color to match?
How can the background be unlocked in photoshop?
How can you reduce noise in an image in adobe photoshop?