How can I load my data into Amazon Redshift from different data sources like Amazon RDS, Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon EC2?
5Post New Amazon Redshift Questions
What is the use of Amazon redshift ODBC driver ?
What problems have you faced while working with amazon redshift?
What data formats does Redshift Spectrum support?
What is Redshift Spectrum?
How far Redshift is better in performance as compare to other data warehouse technologies?
How will I be charged and billed if I use Amazon Redshift?
Is Redshift a row based storage or columnar based?
Does AWS Redshift use SQL?
What’s the use of redshift?
For which purpose Redshift is used for ?
What is amazon redshift odbc?
Which sql query platform are you using to communicate with redshift?
Can we access the compute node of Redshift directly ?
AWS Redshift is basically works on nodes and cluster and which of following option Redshift is based on?
What are the limitations of amazon redshift?