Who can run reports? : salesforce admin
What is the default timeout period while calling webservice from apex.
Difference between force.com ide and sandbox?
What is
What are the different types of reports in salesforce ?
What are the considerations for skinny table? : salesforce crm
Explain salesforce.com security implementation with respect to profiles, roles, and hierarchy, sharing rules, owd(org-wide default settings)? Also, specify which is the most restrictive security setting?
Explain actionFunction, actionRegion and actionSupport?
What are Governer limits in Apex and Salesforce?
What is the Lightning Experience?
What is sandbox and explain different types of sandboxes?
How can we set-up recurring time-based workflow actions in the platform ?
What is parallel approval routing?
What are different levels of security in salesforce? : salesforce sharing and security
What are the implications of implementing database.stateful?