Why is HDFS only suitable for large data sets and not the correct tool to use for many small files?
47Post New Apache HDFS Hadoop Distributed File System Questions
What do you mean by metadata in Hadoop?
What is Fault Tolerance in Hadoop HDFS?
Why HDFS stores data using commodity hardware despite the higher chance of failures?
Explain the difference between an hdfs block and input split?
How to keep files in HDFS?
What is the throughput?
How one can format Hadoop HDFS?
How can one copy a file into HDFS with a different block size to that of existing block size configuration?
Can we change the document present in hdfs?
Can you modify the file present in hdfs?
Explain what is heartbeat in hdfs?
What do you mean by meta information in hdfs? List the documents related to metadata.
If data is present in HDFS and RF is defined, then how can we change Replication Factor?
What is NameNode and DataNode in HDFS?
How do you do a file system check in hdfs?