What is the latest version of ambari that is available in the market and what is the feature that they have added in it?
75Post New Apache Ambari Questions
How to set up local repository manually?
In ambari what are the different life cycle commands?
What are the purposes of using Ambari shell?
What all tasks you can perform for managing services using Ambari service tab?
What is the local repository and where it is useful while using ambari environment?
How can we have to see the all hosts that are available in the ambari?
Name several advantages of Apache Ambari?
What are the different tasks we can perform managing host using ambari host tab?
What does the ambari shell can be provided?
What are the other components of ambari that are important for automation and integration?
List out the commands that are used to start, check the progress and stop the ambari server?
In ambari 2.6.2 version added the following features:
What are the different methods to set up local repositories?
How to setup the local repository manually?
How is recovery achieved in Ambari?