Zoology Interview Questions
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name the intermediate host of trypanosoma gambience?

1 4999

what is the basic difference between ascon and sycon type of sponges?

1 18716

in schistosoma haematobiasis what is the use of gynaecophoric canal?

2 12381

what is copulatory bursa?what is gubernaculum?

1 7103

what is the study of molluscs called?

2 5966

why the coelome is considered as perihaemal system in phylum echinodermata?

1 4104

explain the madreporite of water vascular system?

1 3681

what r the differences between gastropoda and pelycypoda?


name the 3 layers of the shell?

1 4032

what is umbo?

1 5455

what is the function of statocysts in arthropoda?

1 11983

what r the peculiarities found in phyllobranch?

1 3354

what are the differences between maxillae and maxillulae in arthropoda?


1 2778

what's difference between polyperson and polyorigin theory of polymorphism?

1 6188

what is the period for cycle of golgi?

1 3811

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Un-Answered Questions { Zoology }

In mammals, somatosensory, visual, auditory, and olfactory sensory systems all project to the cerebral cortex. To what extent does this imply some common form of neural processing?


Name the animal which has the longest longivity?


1. do you like your job 2. How long does it take you to be one 3. How is interacting with the animals 4. What do you like better whales or dolphins 5.do you think your job is important v 6. when did you first realize you wanted to be a marine biologist? 7. how many hours do you generally work in a week 8. what is your greatest memory as a marine biologist 9.in your opinion what is the greatest thing in being a marine biologist 10. do you specialize in any area? if so what 11. what is a typical day in your career 12.do you travel a lot. 13. what school subjects would help you for this career. 14.what kind of species do you work with 15. do you like the people your work with


Can you propose potential hypotheses for why certain animal groups evolved as Acoelomates rather than developing a coelom?


Explain how many vertibrate are there in a giraffe’s neck?


How many bones does a newly born human infact have?


Which monkey has the biggest nose?


Which marine mammal’s flesh is mostly used by eskimos?


How many hours in a day to cat spend sleeping?


What is the second largest land carnivore?


Name the three aquatic mammals?


Explain worm feeds itself by sucking the blood of animals and humans.after feeding, the worm becomes fat and falls off?


how compiler treats variables of recursive functions


Name the world’s rarest monkey?


What is murrah?