What are the requirements to perform simple currency conversions and complex currency conversions?
5Post New SAP BPC (Business Planning and Consolidation) Questions
What are the different audit reports that can be pulled for audit purpose?
What steps are in processing a dimension?
What is the concept for plan data from bpc?
Bpc for nw has an aggregation level or not, is bpc an application on top sap-ip?
What is difference between reporting model and driver and rate model?
How standard model is different from embedded bpc design model?
When bpc 7.5 nw is available?
To perform inter company elimination, which dimensions should be defined and what properties should be created for these dimensions?
What is the use of logic scripts in sap bpc?
What is the difference between evgts and evsnd?
Can we do reporting on non reporting models and assign work status?
What are the options for book publishing in bpc?
What is model in sap bpc?
Which design models are available in sap bpc to fulfill the business requirements?
What is epm?