What is the effect of aggregation on the performance? Are there any negative effects on the performance?
What is t-code for co-pa?
What is the use ale?
What is the function of 'selective deletion' tab in the manage contents of an infocube?
What are secondary indexes with respect to infocubes?
What are the features of bca?
What is queued delta?
What are new in bo 5.1?
What is delta upload? What is the use of delta upload? Data that has been changed or added is extractor or full data is extractor?
What are calculation contexts?
What are the differences between ods and info cube?
What is sid? What is the impact in using sid?
As you said you have worked on info cubes and ods, which one is better suited for reporting? Explain and what are the drawbacks and benefits of each one?
What is process chain and how you used it?
Does all the characteristics present in ods, are key fields.