how you can avoid un-necessary logging information from being stored?
What is a transnational info cube?
Which is the default perspective of imce studio? : hana modeling
Explain Parallel Processing in SAP HANA?
What are the row-based and column based approach?
What are the supported object types in modeler perspective? : hana administration
What is schema in sap hana?
Compare sap hana and bwa (business warehouse accelerator). Also, state how is sap hana working currently ?
Name the two types of relational data which you can store in SAP HANA?
What are the components comprising SAP HANA technology?
What are the types of sap s/4hana users?
Can we load and replicate data from one source system to multiple target database schemas of hana system? : hana sql script
Explain slt?
How you can configure auditing and password policy in hana studio?
Which table type is preferred in sap hana?